Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Beef Shank, Fresh Bean Stew

In a crock pot, I combined the following. A beef shank from the Farmer's Market in Davis Square, Somerville. Fresh, shelled cranberry beans from the Farmer's Market in Central Square, Cambridge. A heaping handful of orange and yellow cherry tomatoes from my garden, a hearty splash of port, and half of a red onion. Four bay leaves, sea salt, black pepper.

About three hours into the process, I spread the marrow from the shank on fresh bread. If you've never experienced this before, you're stupid. Or vegetarian.

I ignored several complicated recipes for slow cooked shanks on-line which suggested things like dredging, browning, and cooking the meat and beans separately. After eight hours, I had a rich stew bubbling with golden oil sparkling on its surface. Having finally prepared my own fall apart meat, another veil of the mysteries of cooking has been lifted.

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Epitome of Masculinity said...

"you're stupid. Or vegetarian."

Redundancy is a curse.

Epitome of Masculinity said...

wait a minute, this is the penultimate post? nooooooooo!