Friday, October 31, 2008


I have to say that I'm seeing a lot more Obama pumpkins than McCain pumpkins, so if you're still undecided, maybe this is just the criteria you've been holding out for.

Thanks to Seth for sending the photo above. Maybe next year he'll be able to do one like this:

Of course by then we'd only need the one on the left, and by "the one on the left" I'm not quoting McCain.

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Debs said...

A farmer at my local market carved Obama '08 into a bunch of his pumpkins this year while they were young, so that the words formed a scar by the time they were ready to sell. Picture is here.

Food Is Love/Seattle Local Food

Anonymous said...

LOVE it! I've seen many Obama pumpkins and signs and everything else here in Brooklyn.

Are you as tired as me? I can't wait until Nov. 5th!

seth said...

And don't you worry - we're going to eat all that pumpkin. Makin' some pumpkin butter!